
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Im invited to a pool party on Thursday, but...?

Well my freind is throwing a pool party on Thursday night, started my period today, and it will last through the week. Can I use a tampon to go swimming? Will it absorb any water?
Of coarse you can use a tampon to go swimming... you'll feel like if you don't even have your period with it on... I don't really think its absorbing water since it'll be inside you absorbing blood, and you don't have to worry about it slipping out or anything... just remember to change it every four hours to prevent leakage or infection! Have fun =]
Yes you can were a tampon for swimming they can stay in for upp to 8 hours! and stay in side the vagina so no water is absorbed go to for more info - have a nice pool party at your friends!
yes u can u a tampon for swimming i do and no it won't absorb any water hopefully you won't be that heavy but u should be fine .
You can definitely swim with a tampon in and no it won't absorb the water. Just make sure to get the correct absorbency (light, regular, heavy, super heavy, etc). It's important to get the correct one, for example if you have a light flow you don't want to use the super tampons). Have fun at your party!
Tampons are for swimming and physical activity so yes you can use it while swimming.

It won't absorb water it will absorb menstrual flow.
Yes, you can use a tampon. I wouldn't think it would absorb any water. I've always stayed away from pools during my monthly so I would not know about that.
wear a tampon it lasts for 8 hours. if you wear a pad it will get puffy and their would be blood in the pool
yes you can use a tampon for swimming tampons are for swimming and being active like doing a sport etc. it won't absorb in the water.

Im in so much pain?

my bladder[i think its my bladder] is in so much pain it hurts to walk...i have a bladder infection took my pills on time but idon't no what to do about this pain.Got any ideas?
cranberry juice does not get rid of the infection it prevents it so it is too late for that.
try laying down. can you take ibuprofen with your meds? if so then take some. also try putting a heating pad or a warm washcloth on that area it helps some. if it doesnt feel better in 45min then go to the ER. sorry i couldnt help you any more. i hope you feel better soon.
go to the ER.
Yes, there is an over-the-counter product...I think it is called Urostat. You use it short-term, usually the first couple of days of a urinary tract infection. It relieves the bladder pain, and you will notice it turns your urine orange. Your doctor may be able to prescribe the same thing for you.
And, drink plenty of water...but you know that.
drink cranberry juice it will help get rid of the infection faster. For the pain, motrin will help the best unless you have a prescription for a pain medicine. Also, i use a heating pad it always helps me..goodluck sweetie
There is amedicine called uristat. Take it for the pain! It helps alot!!! Make sure you eat before you take the pills though. First time I took them on an empty stomach and wound up throwing up all this red stuff. I totally freaked out and rushed to the hospital. It will turn you urine a orange/red color, so dont be alarmed.
Go to the doctor if you haven't already. The infection could go to your kidneys, if it hasn't already started. They will prescribe norfloxacin or another antibiotic and a pain killer specifically for UTI's. Don't worry if your urine is orange on this med.
You can get Azo OTC...but it may not be strong enough, so you'll have to ask your doctor for prescription strength Azo. In addition, you need to get another urine test after you finish the antibiotics to make sure that all the bacteria is gone. If it isn't, you'll have to start another antibiotic. If you still have pain, there is a major problem. You need to get back to the doctor for the urine test, and then additional testing like an abdominal CT to check for inflammation.
go to doctors
I have been in major pain to for days, only I have
endometriosis, check it out to make sure you don't have
the symptoms.
Tell that to the drs in the ER. Don't wait because it could be something else.
Don't try to diagnose yourself, see a doctor.

If you have a bladder infection you want to ensure that you clear it up completely.

As others have said, Cranberry Juice can be very useful in clearing up a bladder infection, however, talk to the doctor about this condition.
get a wheelchair or crutches and call in sick to work. maybe take some tylenol or another painkiller if your doctor says it is okay. but you should definately tell ur doctor about the pain cause it could be a side effect or a reaction.

feel better.

I'm in pain soooo bad!!!!?

I am 13 years old,and I have REALLY REALLY bad cramps! I tried everything! What should I do???? Its killin me!!!!!!!!!!
Have you started your period yet? If you have and its either that, or If your period havent stopped and you have really killer cramps, it could be endometriosis. Go to a Dr and she/he will find out whats wrong. If nothing's wrong just slow down the caffine drinks and drink more milk, and take a warm bath.
from my observation i would suggest a heating pad and some type of pain reliever. however any of the esteemed ladies that often answer questions might have a better perspective.
I ended up having to get on birth control because my cramps got so bad I'd throw up! Other than that, a heating pad works great and taking ibuprofen.
you should have your parents take you to the dr.if there menstrral they can give you meds to help or sometimes constipation is very bad cramps good luck
Going on birth control (Pills) works . My niece was placed on them during her teens because she had painful periods and it help. Speak to your mom

I'm honestly curious...and not trying to be weird?

What do strippers do when they have their periods, especially at fully nude clubs? Do they have to take a few days off or something? Would they just wear tampons and hide the string? I know there are health requirements concerning STI's, but are there some for menstruation?
They either use a tampon or something called cup (like a diaphragm) if its available in the country
They wear tampons and hide the string. A lady's got to do what a lady's got to do. You know?
I really don't know but when you find out let me no
I believe they use a tampon and hide the string.
i think that they us a tampon and hige the string
Ok using tampons i guess not all tampons have strings either, but you can sort of push the sting inside a bit so you can still grab it

I'm having vaginal problems, have any advice?

Well after having three pregnancies I've noticed everything around my vaginal area seems out of place. It just feels different down there, like everything is starting to get loose and start to fall south. Also I've developed some vaginal skin tags. I'm thinking of seeing my doctor to get advice. But a different doctor I saw about this after my first pregnancy, just said it was normal and all I could do was kegels exercises and possibly have the skin tags removed. But mostly I just had to deal with the new changes. I'm to the point now that I don't want to deal with it anymore and it's getting worse. A friend suggested that a holistic chiropractor may be able to set my uterus back in place and that it may help. I was wondering what others thought and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions?
After 5 pregnancies I thought I had the Grand Canyon down there!! LOL
I actually have done and still do the Kegel exercises. It is squeezing the vaginal muscles- as if you were holding in a poop. Do them 10 to 15 times at least 3 times a day.

Strengthening your stomach muscles is also very important because they help hold every thing in place- including your pelvic bones. If your pelvis shifts thats one way you get lower back problems.

The skin tags can be removed by your doctor. I have them also %26 removed them myself. Freeze with an ice cube, snip off with clean,sharp nail scissors and put antibiotic ointment over them. Not for the squeamish!
quit ******* so much lol just kidding I have no idea
i think kegals are all you can do...after three kids, can you expect to be as tight as you once were? Just deal with it, and understand what came out of it.your 3 kids
you need to do some tightening excesses and keep doing them it will be fun for you both so start straight away. Keep squeezing

It is the only thing that can fix this problem.
I only had one kid and everything feels different. Not to be gross but my tampons fall out at times! We are trying for another baby and I told hubby that I was going to ask for a couple extra stitches this time...LOL! Never hurts to ask =)
your uterus falls out because of bad posture so id suck it in bebe
I think you should see a doctor and have surgery. Also, don't have any more kids. Use protection (condoms, pills, diaphrams, etc..) And try to do those exercises, i forgot what they're called. You can either use you finger or a tampon to do them.
wow. I'm glad I don't have kids.
I would recommend looking into Vaginal Rejuvenation.

Im having trouble sleeping?

plzz give me advice on to fall asleep easily!
ambien and lunesta have both worked for me during menopause when I had insomnia. I took them for a year , and to get off them, I didn't sleep much for two nites, but then stating sleeping again. Also, my doc said,If you can't sleep, get up and do somthing till you feel sleepy, clean, read,whatever. I also sleep with the sound of a fan blowing and do deep breathing. Thinking about things that are pleasant helps if possible. I would also have a CHECK UP!
It could be a sleeping disorder, however, I doubt it. Try Lunesta, or something of the like. Hope everything gets better :)
put earmuffs on, make the room oitch black and eat cereal before you go to bed
You are worrying about losing control of the circumstances of your life. Promise yourself that you can worry about it when you wake up in the morning.
Maybe your 2 hot at night and you need it to be cooler what I do is get a nightstand and put an airblower up to my face im asleep in 5 minutes hehehe hope it helps u ^_^
there is an over the counter sleep aid called Sominex. It is not as strong as a prescription med, but it helps me a lot on those occasions when I have trouble sleeping. Also, it won't make you feel sick or dizzy in the morning like most prescription meds do at first. Its worth giving a try, and its pretty cheap. Get the extra strenght purple box.
good luck!
Are you frequently stressed out? Do you have a history of insomnia? If so, seek your physician for medical assistance. However, considering that you do not have any of these problems... Personally, I find that one of the best way to relax and fall asleep is to clear your mind and enjoy a glass of red wine (Cabernet Sauvingon, Pinot Noir, Chianti, etc..). Because grape skins - which are removed when making white wine - are bursting with melatonin, the hormone that keeps our body clocks in check and tells us when it is time to go to bed. Therefore, red wine is a healthy and natural sleep inducer, since a glass of red wine a day is also beneficial to your health as you age. However, remember that you should naturally fall asleep without having to take anything, so use it sparingly as a sleep inducer. Cheers!


I'm having sharp pains in my chest?

My period is supposed to start in a few days and I'm having sharp pains in my breasts. Is that normal? It usually doesn't happen to me but I've been aching all over the past few days and some months before my period I do get aches all over my body, but this is the first time it has been in my chest. But I'm only 16.. so is that supposed to happen? Could it be something serious?
Let me tell you what happens to me. Each month, my mentrual symptoms are always different. Some months, I may be so happy and BOOM--my period starts! Next month, I am SUPER tired and cranky. The next I have severe cramps. The next I may be VERY emotional and needy. And then the next my breasts will ACHE! You said you are having sharp pains, so I may be off here, but I will try to help. My breasts ache and my nipples are very tender. It hurts a lot when I take off my bra at the end of the day. I was told my breasts have water systs in them during this time. It's normal and always goes away usually right after your period starts. You're young so you will notice different symptoms each month. Nothing usually is constistent when it comes to the symptoms for most of us! If the pain doesn't go away after you start or after your period is over--GO see a doctor!
That's just Heart Burn. Take the Pink stuff.
It sounds like you might have pulled a muscle in your chest. Have you been working out lately, lifting heavy stuff, pulling or pushing stuff around? I actually pulled a chest muscle once just from stress alone. Anything's possible. But if you're scared, call a doctor and make sure it's nothing serious. Good luck!
no nothing serious- i have those too and i talked to a doctor who only treats breasts and she also told me this is normal and nothing to worry about.
but do ur monthly self checks of ur breasts-
most likely a hormonal link since it happens around the time or ur period
I know that feeling. I don't think (although not 100%) it is related to your period. I think you have a rib that has subluxated. It is common and a chiropratcor would be my first palce to visit.

Im having problems with my period??

im 12 and i just got my period in august and it was all going fine until i havent gotten it for about 2 months.. then i just got it last night and now its REALLY light when i used to have a REALLY heavy flow
congratulations %26 welcome to womanhood =) i too was 12 when i first strarted menstarting (now i'm 29) %26 i can tell you, you are perfectly normal! it may take a good year or even two until you become "regular". when i was your age i was having periods every 3 weeks! it is very normal one month to have a very heavy period and then the next to have a light one. they are all so different. as you get older your body will change and you'll come more into routine with it. if it worries you and you can talk to mom then do so... after all she's been there too! if not, you can always ask on here and i'm sure that many of us women can give you some advice =)
No worries mate. You are just getting in to a cycle. It won't be for a while that you'll have a flow every month and at the same rate. It's perfectly normal.
You just started your menstruating, you have to give it at least a year before you are regular. If at that, there are women who are never regular, and it's totally normal. However if you are too worried about it have your mom make an appointment with a gynecologist and he or she will give you options.
My period was messed up on my first year of it too.
Just give it some time. They are usually messed up when you first start and it will take about a year for it to straighten itself out. It is pretty much just "messing" with it in a way. No worries.

I'm having acidity problem? Advice what should I add to my daily meal to reduce this problem?

I'm suffering from acidity and constipation, , whichh directly effect on my period cycle. They are never on time.I had taken doctor advice also but that also didn't work? BI would like to know some natural activities to be added to my daily schedule to reduce this problem? Also advice some diet which help me in this problem?
Stay hydrated. Drink filtered water or better. Eat non-starchy vegetables. Stay away from red meat/tobacco/alcohol, caffeine, chocolate. Reduce all meat and animal proteins, and bad fats. Eat fiber and beneficial fats. (flax/fish/olive oils, for example)

Those are guesses but they shouldn't hurt. Research acid/alkaline diets. Try to figure out if you're reacting to a particular food.

Perhaps you need to find a specialist doctor and figure out what's wrong.

I'm having a nervous breakdown?

I can't eat, I can't sleep and every time I go to work, my eyes swell with tears. My stomach feels like nothing but knots. My car broke down, my bank is a theif and my checking account is at a negative dollar amount so high that I am not going to get paid on Friday because I have direct deposit. The negative amount is more than I get paid. I am going to lose my job if I can't come up with the money to get my car out of the shop by Friday. There is no public transportation near the place where I work either. I'm going insane and I can't take it anymore. What can I do? I can't even afford to go see a doctor to get help right now. I've been looking for a 2nd job, but even if I found one tomorrow, I wouldn't get a paycheck for about a 2 weeks. Can someone help lift my spirits? I can't do this anymore.
well i don't really know what to say but don't worry i'm sure everything will be okay everyone has to go through rough times but i think if you keep a positive outlook everything will be okay! i hope this helps and i hope everything works out 4 you! =)
If you feel like hurting yourself, go to your hospital emergency department. Don't let money be a determining factor as that can be remedied. Don't hesitate to get help. Tell the doc exactly how you feel and if you need to, go ahead and ask for the staff psychiatrist to look at you. It will all work out; but DO get help. Just show up in the ER dept.
try getting a debt consolodation, it may help ease the worries you are experiencing right now, there are many listed online, or try the yellow pages, here's one I found by doing a search:

Good luck!

I'm having a lighter period than normal but still think I might be pregnant...?

I used a home testing kit which uses a urine sample, on the second day of my period and the test came out negative. How much do u bleed for implantation bleeding?

I think Im just being paranoid about this all because my period has come but still I feel scared because my period flow is a lot lighter than it normally is. A babys the last thing I need.

I plan to re test myself in 2 days time (even though todays test said I am negative) and my bf is starting to think I am wierd. I was stressing over this possibility so much the past week that he says thats the reason why my period flow is light this time round, even though it started on the predicted day and wasnt late. Is it just guilt or do I need to re-test myself again?
Pregnancy scares are horrible. You are right to repeat the test, but give it a week to be sure. If you are still uncertain then see a doctor - to put your mind at rest if nothing else.

i know a woman that had a fuul period for nine months and still had baby but thats not helping you . just go t doctor
.make you feel better
no, more chances
stress cna amke lighter periods! and chances are u r not pregnant! so i woulndt worry! you cna test ur self again in a week or so! give ur body chance ot get over this perio first!
I dont think your pregnant.. dont worry, your period may not be lighter tomorrow or the next day and so on..
a light period is still a period. just retest after a few days.
yes you could still be pregnant but the most likely you are not.. if your period stops in one or two days after starting so light then i would be worried but if you have a regular cylcle and you have more than just pink when you wipe you are most likely not.
yea dat is scary wait a while an take another test!
Although pregnancy generally causes a missed period, it can (uncommonly) cause a scanty period too. It is good that you have taken a pregnancy test. The negative test greatly decreases your chances of pregnancy, however, it would be wise to re test , to confirm.
you should realy relax if a baby is the last thing u need right now then the first thing you need is a huge box of condoms you can get a box of 100 from costco pretty cheap plus you should be glad your period is lighter stop buying them expesive tests and place that money in a jar everytime you get PARANIOD and wanna test yourself put the money in the jar when u realy are pregg at least youl have some money saved up

Im going to camp soon!! help!?

what are clothes and things that u tink are a must have for camp. im going for 5 days so how much should i pack since i cant pack more than one suitcase i think.also, i have to have a one-piece bathing suit and cant find one anywhere. anyone know any good affordable places beside target and wal-mart(didnt find any there)?
bring a hoodie, bug spray, bring a rain jacket or a spring jacket, pack maybe 2 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shorts, a long sleeve shirt and a couple t-shirts, pair of sneakers good for walking, bring sandles/flipflops..

bathing suits,jcpenny, hollister, pac-sun, victoria secrets have some for affordable..I dont know what you consider affordable but those are some options..also continue looking when your not all stressed because you probably cant find it because your looking for it..look for it at a random time
aeropostal, wet seal, look on the Internet @ sum of your favorite name brands (u'll be surprised what u find as well as the prices)...
ask the YMCA where you can find one piece swimsuits. 2-3 pairs of shorts, a pair or two of jeans, a pair of sweat pants, 3-4 t-shirts. a heavy sweater, a light sweater/sweatshirt, clean underwear of course, a good pair of sneakers you won't mind getting all muddy/wet, a pair of good quaility sandles, pair of slippers (sneakers and sandles are a must I think) and lots and lots of socks, a small first aid kit, a poncho if it's going to rain, deodrant, shampoo, a couple thick beach towls, couple of wash rags, nail trimmers. Also ask the camp what they would reccomend.
LL Bean has one-piece suits and the camp should send you a list of what you need. Use it, then add a few favorite things.

Im going to a waterpark tomorrow and i got my period.?

Im 13 years old, and I have only had 2 other periods before this one (that i have right now)

Tomorrow I am going to a water park and I really wanna go, but I have my peroid.

I have never tried a tampon before, and idk if i wanna use one.
There is a chance of thunderstorms where i am, so maybe i will get lucky and not even be able to go in the water (i'll just go on the rides)

I am going to tell my mom that I got my period today, and she'll probly suggest a tampon, but i really am nervous about my first time using a tampon to be in the water!

any sugestions?
doesn't hurt at all. don't worry, you cant even feel it.
if its really heavy,so much that it could stain your suit, than you need to wear a tampon
dont worry you will be fine - but tell your mum

you will be ok in the water - they stay in place

change often and dont worry

have a good time
U cant wear a pad at the park, u have to try a tampon, try tampax slender regular there a little smaller then normal.
Tampons are really great to use if you want to be in the water. I actually that is all I use during my period can't feel it one can see it plus a whole lot easier to carry around than a pad.
I've got the perfect suggestion 4 u. Use the brand tampax compax they are smaller than normal tampons and have a plastic app fir easy insertion. Get the multi pack and use the junior one (purple wrapper). I still use these and I've had a child and well into my twenties (i'm small) also relax and try before tomorrow, I reccommend trying asap
Just relax about using a tampon. They might be scary at first, but they're really no big deal. And I think I lot more comfortable and cleaner than pads.

There's instructions in the box, and they have pictures if you're not quite sure. Sometimes since you're new to it, you might have to try a couple of times so bring extras. Wiggling them or moving it in a stirring motion helps me slip it in if I'm having trouble.

Talk to your mom though, she can really help you and walk you though it. I know my mom did.
Don't be scared to use tampons. I've been using them since I first got my period. It may take a couple of tries to get it in right the first time. If It hurts, then you put it in wrong. follow the directions in the tampon box if you need help. For your fist time I would suggest eiter tampax juniors or playtex slimfits. I prefer playtex.

I hope everything goes well for you!
Good luck!
Have fun if you got to the water park!

Oh yeah, and make sure you have tampons with you when you go to the park, so you can change them if they get full.
dont worry hun. Put a tampon in they dont hurt and stay in one spot. Bring extras in a purse put it in a locker so guys cant snoop in it then youll be imbaressed. goo luck girl.
Ive been in the same situation when I first used one and it was on the fourth of july last year at my friends pool party. Tampons do not hurt at all and they are almost like they arnt even there. Just relax and everything will be fine. Being in the water with a tampon will not effect you at all nothing will happen. People will not be able to tell you are on your peroid unless you tell them. Yes its good to tell your mom so you can be prepared. Dont let this tampon problem ruin your fun, it will be fine.
goodluck and hope you have fun :]
DONT worry! im 13 and freak out about it too i just relax that will make it so much easier!! i think you can do it well i know you can you just need confendence in your self about it!! So dont worry!
just ride on the rides instead you can still have fun plus there are some rides w/ water that u can get wet on but don't have to worry about wearing a tampon
A tampon is really your best choice. There is nothing to be afraid of when using one. Put in correctly, you won't even know it is there. Do not put your life on hold, or miss out on any event simply because you have your period Perhaps you could practice inserting one tonight. Please know, there is nothing difficult about it and there is nothing to be afraid of. I know all of this seems a bit overwhelming for you at the moment, but read the literature that comes in the tampon box. You will wonder what you were so afraid of. Good luck, and seriously, enjoy your time at the waterpark. You deserve it.
tampons are great in the summer, especially when swimming...depending upon how heavily you are bleeding, change the tampon every 3-4 hours. maybe take thin pantyliners to wear with the tampon when you are not in the water in case your tampons leaks, like if you are standing in line and can't get to bathroom in careful with the tampon string when wearing your swimsuit, you don't want it hanging out, you can lay it down between your skin folds, and maybe confide in another girlfriend to watch for any leaking or strings for you...
I was worried when I was a kid about using a tampon too. Heck, I was terrified. It turned out though to not be that bad at all, but when I was 13 and 14 I had to lay down to get it in properly. Use Tampax pearl is my suggestion. They rock. I wouldn't worry about your first time using a tampon being in the water or not, it is exactly the same either way.
Hi! My name is Christina and I know exactly what your going through. Awhile back I had a exciting school trip form 8:00am - 5:30pm %26 it involved swimming. All my friends were having a great time in the pool and I definitley did not want to miss out on the memories. It took me some time but, in the end, i made a decision to skip the pool activity. Why? Because, I wasn't comfortable with a tampon yet %26 when I was ready, I decided to use one. If you do everything because your friends are doing it or because your afraid of what people will think, then you'll end up miserable. Don't let anyone make you do what you aren't okay with. As for my trip, there was numerous activities and rides I joined in on %26 I honestly did not even remeber about the pool or my period. Take my advice. Have a great time without the tampon. If you are sure your ready for that new chapter, go ahead. But if not, have fun anyway = )

I'm going through the Menopause?

Any advice?
A very interesting guided imagery CD called "Mastering Menopause" by Belleruth Naparstek can help balance mood, manage physical symptoms, and bolster self-esteem and confidence. You may want to check it out:
try and listen to yourself from a different perspective to make sure your not being too moody. it helps me when im on my period.
GO TO DOCS and talk about HRT to your doctor it helped me alot
stay away from men. your moodiness will make em suicidal
Have a read of Jenni Murrays 'Is it me or is hot in here'?- available in Tescos at the moment i think. Lighthearted and fun but with lots of good ideas.
I would like to suggest that you do the on line hormone tests at or

If it is recommend you obtain hormones please have a saliva test done see or

A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood tests do not.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva test please take the dose suggested for you. Size 10 shoes are not twice as good if you have size 5 feet.

If you get the "full spectrum", 4 tubes, saliva test they will advise you on the full spectrum of hormones that you may require. They are the experts I am not, I am making suggestions where you should look. Hopefully in a nice manner (If not let me know :-) )

The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva tests.

A transcript of a John Lee talk - this explains why for hormones a blood test is worthless..

Blood tests find hormones but they are the one on their way out of the body. They are not the active hormone levels.

One woman's search for the cure for her illness 1997 revised 2002 - 33.htm yes about 30 odd pages lists the things that may occur due to hormone imbalance.

If you want a second opinion I'd suggest one of the doctors on the list. Also on this site there other women's stories.

If you search elsewhere on the web for “natural progesterone” or “natural progesterone menopause” you may come across many web pages and some with stories

At there is quite a bit of information on how hormones work. The “pink card” is also there showing when to take them

The book is available on Amazon uk, it is easier to find the info there than browsing the web. Like most of the natural progesterone web pages the book is rather "positive" about the menopause.

Hope this helps ..
lock your self away for 10 years till youve been through it .
Menopause is a stage in life when a woman stops having her monthly period.It is a normal part of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause needs 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of salt to reduce bloating associated with hormonal changes. More information and remedies at

I'm going on vacation and it's a different time there, so what do I do about taking my birth control pill?!

There is a 3 hour time difference from where I live and where I'm going to vacation... for 2 months. And I am unsure about that time I should take my birth control. PLEASE SOME ONE HELP ME!
Keep your schedule, even if it means waking up earlier.
Take it at the time you take it at home. Don't adjust for the time change - your body won't "get it." If you are going to be 3 hours ahead and you normally take it at 10, take it at 1 instead, etc.
It really doesn't matter as long as you take it every day. Taking it a few hours earlier or later than you normally do won't hurt anything.
Just adjust your time so that it matches your current time zone. ex: if you take it at noon currently, then take it at nine once you get to your vacation, and when you get back home, resume your noon. HTH.
3 hours will not make a difference. take it at the same time you normally do.
Dont adjust to the time change, keep the same schedule you would as if you were home.

Im going on the pill how can i keep myself from gaining weight?

my period is irregular so my doctor recommended the just concerned about gaining weight...would exercising everyday keep me from gaining the weight? or what can i do to prevent it
I am on Yasmin, and I actually dropped weight. I am not heavy to begin with, but I think this pill has some kind of hormone in it that helps with water weight, in turn making my boobs less swollen. I recommend it if gaining weight is an issue for you
stop eating
With some pills its inevitable. You are going to have to exercise and eat well!
get off your ***
Eat healthy and exercise or stay active every day.
Gaining weight while on the pill is a myth. Simply not true!
you cant avoid it on some of them.
just excercise and eat healthy. The pill affects everyone differently so you might not gain any weight at all and if you do it could only be a very little bit. At least that's my experience.
Um excuse me - but any doctor will tell you just that. IT'S DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE!
Is an irregular period that bad?

You need to be ready to completely change your diet, because you won't be able to eat like you used to (depending on your current habits!). I'd start with eating the correct amount of calories for your size and stick to it with a journal that tallies your caloric intake each metabolism went screwy when I started the pill and I still haven't shed the weight...

Good luck with it! It's not easy! :)
Its not certain that you'll gain weight- its just a common side effect. The easiest way to keep it off if you do notice weight gain is exercise- you don't even have to change the way you eat. Just work out (whether its running, biking, or dancing) 4-6 times per week for at least 30 minutes per day.
Different people have different reactions to the same birth control. Just keep an eye on your weight (measure it every week, don't get obsessive about the day-to-day changes) and if you gain 5 pounds or more in the next couple of months, pick up some weights, sign up for a class, and/or limit what you eat.
I blamed my 15 lbs weight gain on the pill... then I went off it. And lost only five pounds:)

It's easier to blame the pill than to say "I got lazy and started eating badly"... and many women tend to start taking the pill at a time of life (the late teens early twenties) when they are shifting to a more sedentary adult lifestyle. The pill really won't make you gain much weigh (less than five pounds) if:
- You keep an eye on your diet. It's amazing how many empty calories you can put in your body if you aren't cautious.
- Keep active. You don't necessarily have to exercise every day, though that will no doubt make you a sleek goddess-like babe. But try not to get into a mode of sitting around on the computer or watching TV... find some physical activities you like and do them a few times a week. Walk or bike instead of driving. Take a stroll at lunchtime instead of having a smoke break.

You'll be just fine.
Science has demonstrated that weight gain on the pill is usually five pounds or less; not a significant weight gain. Depo Provera has been linked to significant weight gain, but that's not likely what you're going to be prescribed if regulating your periods is the goal.)

For some people, some pills affect appetite. Ensure that you're getting regular exercise, staying hydrated and eating a healthy, well balanced diet, and you should be fine.


"Basically, there's no direct link between hormonal birth control and weight gain. Some types of HBC can more readily lead to weight gain in individuals -- see our earlier disclaimer about side effects -- and some types of HBC can lead to water retention and/or increased appetite. However, it's also important to consider that many women begin taking HBC in their later teens and early twenties, during which time they may gain weight and experience changes in their body shape regardless of whether or not they take HBC.

If you feel that a particular weight gain is directly caused by HBC, you might consider talking to your doctor."

I'm going mental because of my problem?

Last month, just before I went on my trip to Nashville, I started having a frequent urination problem. I went to a doctor after a week of it and they found nothing (tested for infection and pregnancy). My period came and a week later, it went away. Then I started a new birth control pill, Yasmin. Last week, I started peeing more again and this week it got really bad on Monday (constant urge to pee while I was at work). Today, it's only slightly better. It feels like I gotta go again after only half an hour, but when I move (ie, go from sitting to standing and vice versa) it goes away. I am able to hold it for about four hours, but it bugs me that I always feel I have to go.

It doesn't hurt when I go, and there's usually a lot. Most of the time it's yellow, some times it's clear. My period started on Monday. Any other info needed? Help! Why is this happening to me?
hey i looked up using and found out that there is 7 possibilities that is causing thing. you should read it and check it out... here ya go.
Sounds like a bladder infection and maybe they just missed it when you went to the doctor.
the amount u wee depends on the amount u drink.

also get checked for diabetes

I'm goin surfing tomorrow, have period?

If i wear underwear under the bathing suit and wetsuit, will that be okay? My periods are never very heavy, but I will be on the 3rd day, the peak of my period. Will the wetsuit get all bloody?
omg, some people are so annoying! you're not allowed to because your mom thinks you'll get an infection or something, is that so hard to understand? anyways, yeah, i think it will be okay. your wetsuit shouldn't get all bloody. i went to a waterpark on my period a little while ago, and your period basically stops in the water and the wet pad doesn't feel that bad. you might leave spots of brown where you sit, though, so be careful. good luck, and do what you're comfortable with!
Im sorry but the only thing that will guarantee is a tampon
Honestly I wouldn't go surfing without a tampon. Have you ever seen a baby go in the pool with a diaper on? that is what will happen it will swell up and not really be able to absorb anything.
if youre in the water it will wash away.
but i would reccomend a tampon even tho
you dont want to wear one.
that is the best way to keep it from
getting in your wetsuit
It shouldn't get bloody as long as you change your tampon regularly. I go swimming alot and have yet to have that happen.
hey you are limiting your options if you refuse to wear a tampon or not go surfing. If you wear a pad and go surfing it will get wet and be uncomfortable and bulky.
Sorry, you can't wear underwear. A pad won't help (it would kind of look like a wet diaper). You can buy a tampon in a bathroom vending machine. Tampons aren't difficult to use and they are the only sure method of protection for sports.
um yea u probably won't be ok swiming even in a swim suit in a pad is gross so yea go for the tampon
What do you mean you are not allowed to?

WEAR a tampon or NO water sports!

Simple as that. It doesn't change no matter what the water sport is or what type of underoos you wear. It doesn't matter how light or heavy it is or where in your period you are.

Do you really want blood on your wetsuit? Do you really want blood running down your leg? Do you really want that embarrassment?

I'm girl! Help me out! Girls only please.?

All of my friends have started their periods except 2 of my friends who are waaaaaaayyyyyy underweight. I am a size 32A bra have hair growing down below, armpits,legs and arms, I have goo in my boxers and am 5ft 3 weighing 9st 7. Aged 12 .Does it look like I will start my period soon?
yes you are hitting puberty and periods will soon follow
Yes... Just wait a bit. BTW, you're not missing out on anything... trust me.
Hey seriously you are normal. It isnt even late. i am 14 and i dont have my period yet, i dont even have much hair under arm. Its ok untill you are 16. Some people get it when they are 19 even. lol relax
It doesn't matter your age or boob size... nature will take it's course. it also depends on how active you are. My best friend was a dancer (tap and ballet) all her childhood and she didn't start until 13-14ish... Don't rush into it... believe me, once you have your period. you wish would wish it away!
what do you mean you have goo in your boxers?
aer you talking about discharge? if so all women get it
wear a panty liner daily so you dont ruin your undies
no one can tell you when you will be starting your period
it will come on its own when your body is ready
it is not a competition with your friends
Goo? I'm assuming is discharge.It is a sign of ovulation. Look it up educate yourself, it's the best thing u can do. Yes that is a sign that u will start your period soon. It is hard to say exactly when but I would guess in the next few months, maybe a yr but not over that.
You say you have "goo" in your boxers, which is vaginal discharge, it sounds like you could be getting your period soon. There's no saying when it comes to bodily functions. Especially with periods. Some girls wont get them until they're 16, 17, or 18. Every girl is different.

Just be ready though-keep either a medium to large flow pad or a regular tampon in your purse at all times, just in case you do happen to get your period while you're out an about.
you are on your way but if you have white stuff(goo) coming out your vagina thats a real sign knowing you will start your period soon since you are 12 you should start soon im 12 and exactly the day when i was 12 and a half i gotten my period on that day i know thats so weird but most girls get there period when they are 12 and a half but you can get you period at any age you just have to be patient but seems yu are gonna get your period soon you should carry pads i your backpack just in case you get your period while your not home like at school
YESS! reall soon!
specially since you are starting to see goo..
mines came like 5 months later tho after i started seein da goo...
so yea be prepared..
It doesn't matter you have your own cycle don't mind them. Your period starts when it starts.
It looks like it will if you're seeing discharge (goo lol)! I didn't start getting my period until last year, and I'm almost 16. It's exciting your first time but after that, believe me, you're not missing out on much. If you don't get it by the time you're 16 though, see your doctor about it. But yeah, sounds like it should come in atleast the next year so keep an extra pad in your backpack and a few ibuprofen (for cramps) just in case.
yes, some girls dont even get their period until they're 16 or older. it really depends on your size... and those signs that you mentioned are good indicators that it should be coming. some doctors say that two years after you start to notice the signs of puberty - thats roughly when you get your period. you shouldn't start to worry... it will come eventually. but, enjoy the time when you don't have your period, you aren't missing out. good luck, :)
no one knows
girl it's on it's way. watch out it is not fun!
Hmm, you remind me of myself. Same description and everything, but I'm 14 and 5'0. Haha? Pleasee don't hope for it to come soon. I just got my first period May 18, and it seemed like it lasted FOREVER, actually 12 days. Gaah, well don't worry most likely it will come in the next few weeks.
You are only 12 dont freak. If you get cramps for like a month then you will probably get your period thats what happened to me. You will probably start it next year or end of this year. Enjoy the time you have without your period!

I'm getting tired of this Question anyone else...?

Well it's always a question about their period...sorry okay look it up on the internet and you'll find it. GEEZ!
If you are getting tired of seeing the "period" question in women's health, it can't be as tiring as the "penis" question in men's health. The only think that keeps from having an "enough already" moment are from some of the answers that are given. Sometimes the answers are much more hilarious than the questions themselves.
oh kay.r u on your's?
Well... it would be refreshing to see many questions about menopause :D
so am I. I agree with you
Thank you for saying something - I was tiring of that question, too! :)
The following questions are getting irritated

"How do I tell him I like him"
"How do I know if I'm pregnet"
"If he cheated on me with a hooker should I take him back"

Menopause was refreshing.
Lol Me too, we need a larger variety of questions.
okay, so are you an your period? i am not on mine.
your just haten cause you probalbly havent started yours but you shouldnt say that but what you said is true my sista peace out
Yes, but this is Womans Health. Im sure you were curious when you first started your period...
OMG! you're right!

and all those questions about "Paris Hilton" and all the MySpace stuff..we need a special category for that!!
Well...Stop looking under that category, and I'm sure it some 13 year old girl that just wants to know and hear it from other girls what their experience has been! And hey they are looking on the internet for answers to their question.
...sure... hey can you answer my questions, no one ever answers them.
Fo rill! I mean, it's a little too personal to be talking about that kind of stuff. I also hate the questions that say, "Am I fat? I'm 5"2' and 47 lbs." You know their lying about their weight and that they just want attention.

鈾?br />
They don't feel like researching other needs of the Internet. They feel asking so instead of being annoyed over the question ignore it and move on to another question.

Sorry if i sound rude but I have been in classes and working all day.
Not everyone knows that you can find answers buy checking the existing questions on yahoo. It takes time for people to realize that they can go to the category and check first to see it the question has been answered already. Patience, your here to help , hopefully.
seems like its that time of the month 4 u.
that is why the category is called women's health. what's your problem?
YES!! Look it up, or... OmiGod, you mean it's actually okay to call Planned Parenthood for advice?!?!?! Holy cow, there are resources available to me locally without needing to get online!? You're kidding!! I thought the Internet was the only way there is to get information, whether scientifically corroborated or not!!

No, seriously, if you need advice, you could do a LOT worse than Planned Parenthood. I've been going to them for 8 years, both online and not, and their advice is sensible and helpful without costing a billion bucks.
this is the internet...
me to
Dude why you being so mean. People dont know that. u must be on your period...grow up
Well when you first get your period then your nervous so you want to know, so instead of taking the 30 mins to look it up on the internet then you ask here. This is the internet retard. If you don't want to here that question then look on a different section. I mean seriously are you that stupid?

I'm getting tired of this Question anyone else...?

Well it's always a question about their period...sorry okay look it up on the internet and you'll find it. GEEZ!
hmm it sounds like it's that time of the month for you. What is your problem? I mean we are teenagers trying to learn and you can't say you were never nervous or worried about something dealing with your period when you were young. Maybe people can't find the specific symptoms on the Internet and was wondering what it is and what other peoples experiences were. GEEEEEEZZZZ yourself!
dont feel bad! im sick of them too! ughh!!
Menopause is great.
this is the internet...
Well, then don't answer them. Maybe some people want to know, maybe some people know how other people are feeling.
Perhaps you'd like to log off and do some breathing exercises. I love to help people and periods are an important subject! I know when I was young my girlfriends use to talk about them a lot to get a better idea of what is normal and what is not. It could be that these girls don't have anyone to talk to, or maybe they are emberassed? You can skip over these questions and look on another subject if you are so bothered by them and let me answer all of the period questions because I don't mind at all!! :)
I commented on the same question you put twice. But I will tell you I'm getting sick of people saying I'm 5'4 and I weigh 85 pounds. Am I fat? I mean oh my god there all such liars. I'm also sick of those freakin 15 year olds saying I think I'm pregnant. What do I do? Although I have to agree with the other people. Whats your problem?

I'm freaked out. is this normal?

i got my first period tuesday at,like midnight. i only bled that one time though. nothing at all after that. what's wrong woth me?
Sounds normal to me. Things usually don't start like clockwork. Just keep emergency supplies on hand so you don't have to worry when you are away from home.
First periods are always really wacky. I wouldn't worry, but if it continues to be weird, see a doctor. Better safe than sorry.
completely normal, your body is just starting to adjust to all the hormones being activated... you may not experience another period for a while again either but don't worry... your body will eventually adjust... just keep some pads or tampons around for the unexpected in the future
it's your first period, and usually first periods are weird. my friends and i all have weird experiences with our first period. there's nothing wrong with you. :)
It was your first period so it is normal
don't worry. It takes a while for your periods to become regular. Don't worry. When you first start to get your period you may not get one every month, you may have very light bleeding, etc. Its nothing to worry about. Stressing about it makes your periods do funny things too. So don't worry. Your body is doing a lot of adjustment, it will get there.
It's normal. Your first few periods are always a little wacky but they will become more normal with time.
The first couple are really weird. Nothing is wrong with you.

My first one was all dried blood and, it only came out in 30 min. the second was just as weied then it eventually went into a pattern.
It's normal, don't worry. The first months of menstration are usally pretty crazy (by crazy I mean irregular). Like one month you could have a long heavy period, you might not get it for 4 months, and the next one could be short and really light.
nothing lol first time for mine was only 3 days not even it was so light it was more like a day
its okay.don't worry. i got my first period when i was 12 %26 a half. i don't even think it was a tablespoon of blood. when your body gets more adjusted you will have a regular menstral flow that can lasts from any where from 1 to 7 days. don't freak out. (stay calm). if that bothers you, see your gyno. and no, there is NOTHING wrong with you! (*i happen to be toms wifey, please don't let the male advatar fool you~ this avatar is one that i made of my beaux, in honor of loving him so. i should of use an avatar for myself, but i thought that he was more important, just a little fyi~ cuz the picture can be odd, when i am a woman and a male avatar is on your answer board about a female problem.)

I'm fourteen, all of my friends have their periods and I don't, I'm worried.?

Don't be. Be grateful! Everyone starts in their own time. Are you really active? I have a friend that didn't start until she was 21. She was an active swimmer and this caused her delay.
Don't worry-- consider yourself lucky! It's not a concern until you are 17 and still haven't started. Once you get it, you'll spend the next 40 years wishing to God it would just go away...
If you have not already done so, go visit a gynecologist and have them do an exam to be sure everything is okay but more than likely you are just a later one for your period. Good luck!
Everyone develops at a different age, your still growing and your just a late bloomer. Dont worry im sure you will get it in the next few years. Remember to check for symptoms of your period.
Dont be worried thats perfectly normal the age range is 8-16 so you have a couple years to start being worried. As for your friends... mabye there moms had there periods when they where young also...
Ahh you're lucky and your friends will tell you that your lucky too. i mean think of it from another viewpoint; would u have liked to have your period when you were 11?
dont worry .. its finee... ikk a lot of people whove havent gotten theirs til like 15 or 16
That's not all that uncommon. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.
Thanks for answering my other question.

You are lucky in my opinion. I've heard that having a period sucks.
Don't worry about it my mother was 18 before she started. That was a very long time ago, hers was caused by lack of food to eat. Malnutrition will do that. Are you eating enough nutritious food?
don't worry about will get yours soon enough.
i am 14 gurl u should not rush u can not do alot of stuff when your on your period u cant do splits and you have to keep checking you self and carry the right supplies in your purse plus u cant hang around boys as much i said i wanted my period and hey i got it and i regret it i go threw hell with cramps and stuff and u just dont no if any questions emil me at

Im flat now but people say that they will be big when i hit is this true?

people at my scholl say girls who have big boobs now have almost stopped growing and girls who are flat chested will have big ones because they havent finished growing is this true?
I'm 35 years old...and I am still waiting for mine to grow...LOL

My Mom was a 40DD...I ended up being a much for genetics!
Yes it is true. MOST OF THE TIME. Not always
Look at your Mom and the other women in your family; you'll be like them, sooner or later.
no not really, not everyone gets "big ones" lol, check out your mum, gran etc, are they small chested, if so there is every chance that you will be too, its not the be all and end all of things, you can always buy some chicken fillets to be going on with.
depends on the person... everyone grows differently..
No, you growth stops at the age of 16-18 years old depends on the person...everyone is different...
kids at your school dont know anything yet.just be happy who you are will get some patients
If they dont grow get implants
One thing that will be true is that the big-boobed girls will droop sooner too! Your boobs will grow at puberty,when you have kids,when you gain weight. Genetics may play a role in it. Not my family though unless my sister was adopted. She is much larger all around though. I'm small but I work-out alot. Be lucky if you're small and perky!
I was flat when I was thirteen and I'm still flat at forty..I don't think you can tell for sure. Of course, if you were a size 38 c at age 13, I'd be pretty sure you won't grow much more. Odds are in your favour that you've still got some growing to do, so just be patient. Either way, big is not always better, trust me.You have more to offer the world, or men for that matter than you breast size...
Not exactly... Everyone grows differently and a lot of the flat chested girls might not grow to have big boobs! On the other hand, A lot of them might. How old are you? A lot of girls dont stop growing until they are arround 18 and it's just abnormal to stop before 15. So if you are under 15, it's not true. ;) Best wishes xx miki
Its true modt of the times !
but i would recomend lokking at your family
say for instence if your mom and your grandmother were a 36C chances are you will to!
but it all depends
good luck! :)
this is definately not true. you will get the boobs you are genetically predetermined to get, be they big or little. everybody develops and grows at different rates. whether or not you get big ones and when you get them depends more on genetics.

Im embarrassed!?

Ok guys dont make me feel any worse than I already do. I had a few drinks and when I went to the bathroom..I notice that my tampon was gone. I wasnt drunk, so I know Im not losing it. But I wonder..could it have fell out on its own while I was using the toilet or could it have traveled upward. If it did go do I get it out and/or how far can it go?
If you think the string went into your vagina then reach in with your fingers and pull it out. The vagina is not that long so you can always read the tampon or string when you need to with your fingers. If you didn't have it inserted properly it could have fell out but normally if it is not in the right position you can feel this and would have know that your didn't insert it properly. Check your vagina for the missing tampon and if it isn't there then you must have lost it.
It can only go as far as the cervix - it's probaby on the floor under your table.
Reach up there and feel around for the string if you think it is not there go see a doctor ASAP cause you cannot leave one in there and risk toxic shock
it could be either one...

I'm either crazy, or i have a hormone imbalance. please help me and tell me what can be done to fix this?

so, once a month, two weeks before my period, i start wanting a baby. i want a baby so badly that i would remove my IUD and trick my husband and everyone just to get pregnant. i dream about having a baby and it consumes my every thought. i am in school, and 25 years old. my husband and i have only been married for 2 1/2 years. logically i know that a baby would destroy us financially and educationally. it may work for some, but i know our marriage and our personalities. we aren't ready for a baby. i recently read about baby Kaleb who was a victim of shaken baby syndrome, and decided that my children would never be put in the hands of another for caregiving. so my bright idea was to be a full time online student and mom. i cried my eyes out when my husband shot down the idea. i know what's best for us, but every month i can't control these overwhelming urges! mom thinks it's a hormone imbalance that causes me to 'go off the deep end'every month. what can be done to fix this?
you need to talk to your doctor. if your urges are that extreme, though your logic tells you the truth, you are probably having a hormone problem. you shouldn't have to feel this way every two weeks, i'm sure it's miserable! do yourself a favor and get medical advice so you can keep living your life! when you and your husband are ready, i bet he will think it's a good idea for you to stay home, if it's financially possible! so don't worry about that now. get help so this issue doesn't rule your life and ruin your relationship!
First off, you need to be honest with your husband and tell him what is going on. Then you need ot go to a doctor. He needs to rule out any physical medical conditions (such as a brain tumor or any other problems). You could be having some sort of vitamin/mineral deficiency when you hit that time. There are lots of reasons you could be doing this, but you do need to see a doctor and talk to your husband. Only they can help you through this properly.
I think you answered your question in the first two lines of your explanation. If you get this way once a month, two weeks before your period, you're probably suffering from something that is hormonal. Asside from being complex and developed as humans, we are also sometimes at the mercy of hormones and other body chemicals that regulate or entire system. So... you might get ahold of some soy products or some ginseng.
go ahead and be crazy, love between a husband and wife is not a financial commitment in life or a business arrangement to see how much you can prosper, although some have decided that is what it's about, marriage is an institution ordained by God between a man and a woman, for each to care for one another and to continue the human race, by having little gifts of joy that at times can be challenging, nothing else in life is more rewarding than having little ones to carry on the family trees, money and wealth are empty and cold but a child is warmth and love, but it is a good idea to try to prepare, talk to your husband about your feelings decide on a game plan and stick to it no matter what, to alleviate your overwhelming desire become a foster parent or volunteer in your local church or community center working with children who need someone to care for them, I hope this helps best wishes!

Im due to have my contraceptive implant changed,what is it like,does it scar bad?

Hi! I had a contraceptive implant for a year. It brought more damages than good. First of all, it messed my cycle up. When I had the implant in, I had beautiful skin and always had all my life. When i had it removed for good I started having acne(never had in my life), oily skin which deteriorated my skin and gave enlarged pores. It also gave me body and facial hair. And for your question- it did leave a scar though not a big one, but would be my last of my problems.

So please, please consult your doctor what is the best way to go about it before you you decide to do any changes be cause it can affect your quality of life dramatically!

Hope this helps.
It would depend on how your body reacts to injury or surgery. I scar very easily and when I had my implant removed, almost ten years ago, I had developed scar tissue around the implant which made it difficult to remove. I can still clearly see the scars left from having it removed as well, including each place where I was stitched after the removal was complete. As I stated before, I scar very easily so it depends on the person. One product I found that worked to fade new scars is Mederma. I had a surgery about 5 years ago and the scars from the incisions have all but disappeared. Start using that as soon as you have healed completely and it should help with any scars that may develop.
Hardly scars at all. Had mine taken out a year ago and the scar is only half a centimetre long if that

Im due in 7 days and i noticed lots of clear discharge when i woke up?

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow but should i go see her today about this discharge? What causes it?
You are having a "mucous show" that's preparing the cervix to get ready for labor and birth. You will probably see that mucous become pink or bloody when your due date gets closer,and contractions start. That's normal also,not to worry.Sometimes the mucous can be very thin and watery,if that continues or you have a "gush" of water,that will be your membranes,the Doctor will need to know when that happens,to prevent any infection to the baby etc. .I wish you good luck and congrat's on your new baby. Take care. SW RNP
It could be your mucus plug. if it's a constant stream it could be your water. If your over 27 weeks pregnant they usually say not to worry about it. It's a sign that your body is getting rady to give birth. It could be a week from now or hours.. all pregnancys are different. I'd wait until tomorrow, unless you get pain with it.
Go to the doctor!! Your water may have broken or you may have an infection. Hopefully you will be reading this AFTER your appt.
Your membranes (water) can rupture and not gush out like you would expect.I can be a continious feeling of being wet and some fluid. This happened to me and I didnt go straight to the doctor..I waited until my appointment, he told me that my water had broke and that I was lucky I didnt get an infection. Go to the er or your doctor immediately.if it has broken but not completely they will most likely go ahead and break it again.

I'm doing a one year, $100,000.00 fundraiser to fight breast cancer.?

A local film maker wants to do a documentary about what I'm attempting to do... I don't know anything about documentaries... I don't know what I should ask or even know before I meet with him... Please Help.
To be honest, I think you'd get better advice in another category-- perhapes one related to fundraising or film-making.

You should just be yourself... if you don't have information about breast cancer basics, do a few google searches. But since you're doing a fundraiser, I'm thinking you probably have that information.

Im confused?

ok so my boobs feel bigger at dif. times of the day. i have no clue y.. does anybody else feel that same way?
cant understand.
i dont think this happens. anywayz, read this.
might help. general facts-
I feel ur pain!! Normal!

I'm concerned, can I get some help??

Today is CD17. I wasn't given anything to ovulate this month. Had some cramping and pain on the right side today and felt funny (havne't had an appetite, got the runs, have had three migraines this week, pain my lower back, only BD once and that was about a week ago (pitiful I know..we've been too stressed) go to the bathroom to pee, wipe and there's some blood. Not a lot but something wasn't there a couple hours ago.

Now I can't be starting a period if I didn't ovulate. I was on BCPs for two straight months then nothing this month. I've had a lot of CM about a week ago but didn't think anything of it. Couldn't think anything of it enough to remember how close I had it in relation to when we had relations. My belly is swollen, I've lost 6 pounds in a week, I'd lost all of my puffiness and swelling but it started coming back yesterday. I'm having horrible pulling cramps in my lower back much different than just the back pain I usually have.
If your own doctors office is closed it would be a good idea to call a larger hospital and speak with a nurse who could possibly give you some insight on what you're going through.

Good Luck.

I'm breastfeeding my son who is two weeks old and i've been getting some sharp shooting pains in both.

breasts. Is this a normal thing to have? I get them a few times a day and not just when i'm feeding.
Been there. I can't say it's the same in your case, but in mine it meant a blocked duct. Painful, but treatable. Call your doctor.
It depends are your breast big
It is very normal. I got them too, but eventually it stops though. Congratulations on your new baby, and good luck.
honey that isnt the worst part of it. when you stop breastfeeding and your'e milk is drying up you will think that your'e breasts are going to fall off they hurt so bad but, it all goes with the pains of mommyhood. good luck!
Unfortunately this is completely normal. Your breasts are going thru some major changes right now with breastfeeding. They should subside with time. Hang in there as long as you can. Good luck!
i had that too when i was feeding my son...mostly it was when he had just latched on but sometimes it was when i was a bit 'over full'

i dont think its anything to worry too much about.
If your breasts are engorged you will be getting those pains. Try pumping a little bit extra. Your baby may not be eating as much as your breasts are supplying. Also try to massage them, when you massage them in a hot shower that should relieve some of the pain.
Hi Congrats on your new baby :-)

Tell your district nurse about the pain just to be on the safe side - however it is probably normal

IM BEGGING YOU TO HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, im really skinny, but i eat alot... I only poop 1 time a week.. is this normal?? if not, PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU to tell me some home remedies to help me poo!! i dont want to go to the doctor, because i have been like this for 2 or 3 months... ( only being able to poo 1 a week). PLEASE HELP!! my stomache is soft (i think its a good sign) and i have regular bowel sounds.. is being like this normal??
Okay you bad gurl... Try some fiber supplements in your pharmacy section... And eat raw fruits and veggies..
! time a week!! that isnt normal i suggest you see a doctor asap. eat more fibers
Yucky! You must have bad breath.
i don't poop very often. it's nto unhealthy, it's what your body does. don't worry about it. your body is just using EVERYTHING that you're putting into it.
No matter what answers you get you still need to go see a doctor. It is not normal to only have one bowel movement a week.
Don't ask us!!! GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!
when you say bowel sounds are you talking about the stomach noises...or that your gasin it up everywhere...

but yeah that doesnt sound healthy at should start by taking a couple laxative pills...that way..your resetting your system...

you'll be completely empty, and then as you eat you can kinda keep track of what ur doin...but if this doesnt help your issue...please go see a doc, it could be a internal blockage of the intestin that doesnt alow material to pass effeciently
Eat lots of vegetables. Drink lots of non-carbonated CLEAR drinks. Water is very very good for you.

I know you may not want to go see a doctor but it seems like you may have a problem and seeing a doctor is what you should do unless you want to hurt yourself even worse.

The best of luck to you; I hope your pooping problems subside in the near future!
drink shitloads of orange juice and s.h.i.t

that makes me s.h.i.t all the time
how much do you eat? add it all up, and if it doesnt add up to 2000 calories a day, there is your problem. you need at least 2000 calories for your body to function right. if it is then something is wrong and as much as you dont like it, i think the doc may be the best way to go with that.
start taking fiber, it should regulate..
It definitely depends a lot on your diet. Home cooked fruits and veggies as well as low fat yogurt and WHOLE GRAINS should be in balance and you should "go" atleast every other day. The look of it when you do go is important to, if it doesn't float or curve, or isn't even long enough to curve, then you should really get over your shyness and see a doctor.
I am sorry to say this but, it is not normal to have only one bowel movement a week. The best thing to do is add some fiber into your diet. benefiber is what I use. it does not taste like anything and I put it in my food. a female should have about 28 grams of fiber per day. Another way I get my Fiber is with a new fiber one bar. it taste just like a chocolate granola bar. it is called chocolate and oats, they also have one called peanut butter and oats. the brand name is Fiber One. you can find them at almost any grocery store in the cereal bar isle. these bars are great for a snack. and they have 9 grams of fiber in them. good luck with this.
yes it is normal it the same wioth my fam freind he
eat only on bite of our chrismas fest(LOTS OF FOOD THERE)so just do the same its normal
Well, Nicole --

Once you enter the prison system like your galpal Paris, you'll have all the medical help you need! So don't sweat out another drop worrying about all this, as you can ill afford it right now!!
please go see the doc. this happened to my son and he got very sick

I'm almost 18 and my period is irregular. Is it because I skipped meals and not enough sleep?

Yes and it can be remedied by eating regularly and getting more sleep, You might want to see a gynecologist to rule out any other problems.

Best of luck to you sweetie
no. its just your body. you will need to go to a doctors though to be put on birthcontrol to regulate your periods. I had to when I was 17
if you are underweight yes this can cause irregularity
If you are putting a lot of stress on your system by not getting enough sleep and not eating well, you can surely miss your period.
Could be! If you are really concerned about it, call your physician.
Yes, skipping meals and not sleeping properly taxes all of your body's systems, creating stress that causes your menstruation to be erratic.
If you are not living a healthy life.your whole body suffers, including your menstrual cycle. It may or may not be a problem, but its a good place to start narrowing things out. Call your doctor and talk with him/her.
Although, I don't know much about periods, having a irregular period shouldn't be because of diet or sleep. That's on the territory of hormones. You might need to check with a doctor A.S.A.P.
stress does sometimes make you irregular I think you need to take care of your self, eat and sleep healthy

Im almost 12 and im flatchested what sould i do?

everyone makes fun of me for being flat chested. is there anything i can do im really skinny so should i gain weight? i have no idea what to do/. im sick of being made fun off. all my freinds are in like a b cup? what should i do? PLEASE HELP ME . !!
Be thankful!! The teasing will go away, and so will being flat, give it time. I know it might not seem like it now, but it really is a good thing.
Nothing you can do. You'll develop eventually. Everyone's different.
Just be patient. It'll happen. Everyone is one a different schedule. Mine didn't happen until 14, and then I was bigger than all mine friends. Boy, were they jealous!
develop some self-esteem and shrug it off.

you will bloom later
You are still growing, don't worry, things will change. Your friends are not very nice for making fun of you. Just ignore them, or find new friends.
Your 12? You have plently Time to grow, develop and go through puberty.
If your really that bothered get a padded bra or something, Dont let other people put you down about it
Have patience. Some people take longer to grow into their womanly body.
Wait at least 2 more years.
your a kid you havent hit purberty yet i beet so just wait
don't see your friends for a week or two. go to Victoria's secret and get the teen padded bra - it'll add a cup size. Then you can say you've grown after not seeing anyone for a while. You're still super young so there is still lots of hope for your chest to grow!
I don't believe everyone you know is a B cup. Be patient.
Tell your parents to buy you a booby job. If they refuse, run away from home. It seems drastic, but it's really all that you can do. You will always be ridiculed if you don't do something about this problem now. So tell them. And mean it.
um theres kinda nothing you can do if you weren't to have big breast then they will eventually come when ever they're ready
Look at your friends and say, "Do you feel better now that you've made fun of me?"

Don't worry so much about what other girls breasts look like.

First, you still have a lot of growing to do.

Second, being flat chested is not a bad thing at all. I know a 30 year old woman who is completely flat chested, and she is beautiful. When we go out, she's the one who gets hit on.

Third, when it comes down to it, breast size doesn't matter. It's how you carry yourself. If your friends are making fun of you, what does that say about who they are?

EDIT: By the way, folks, some girls hit puberty as early as age 9. Don't assume she hasn't hit puberty yet.
I was flat chested till I was in 7th grade. Now I'm in eighth and I'm a 34 B. You cant do anything but get plastic surgery, which you don't want to do. And yes being skinny causes you to be flat chested.
Wait it out. Bodies do different things at different times and that's nothing to be ashamed of. They also grow to different sizes and shapes, it's just the way things are. Take some comfort in the fact that you're normal, healthy and you won't be the only person out there feeling like this. Boys and girls go through size issues!

I'm 25 and I get called tiny **** by the rest of my family because they're all at least a D cup! Even when I was at my largest (I've now lost 7 stone) I was a C, but I'd rather be slimmer with smaller breasts than bigger with a chest I can't squeeze into nice tops.

You are only at the beginning of puberty too, don't wish your youth away!
XD ur 12 still a child... got plenty of time puberty is when ur 13
Be lucky, I am 12 and I am a 36B I hate it. Most girls at my school are actualy flat chested. I would just wait, you will eventualy get breasts you have your own clock, but if you REALLY want it wo appear as it you have larger breasts talk to your mom about get a bra with the cup size of your choice, (I suggest an A cup) and then get gel inserts that you can insert into the bra Do this over the summer and when you go back to school wear them and Waalaaa it will appear as if you got breasts over the summer. Hope this helps!
your only twelve years old, its normal to be flat chested. i was pretty flat myself at that age and now i'm in a c cup, which is bigger than all of my friends. just give it time they will come, as for the girls that make fun of you, it sounds like those b cups are trying to make up for the brains they are lacking, be proud that you are better than that
There is nothing you can do. You have to let nature run its course. I know now it may seem like being teased is the worst, but usually you end up being the hottest chick in high school so. Just wait your turn. Plus bra's are not comfortable and are not as glamourous as the commercials make them. Trust me. Be patient the will come...
There's not much you can do except finish growing up. If your 'friends' are making fun of you, they're not your friends
Don't worry so much. Not every one develops at the same rate. I was almost 14 before I got breasts. Just chill, it'll happen when it happens.
At 12 years old being "flat chested" is not abnormal. Puberty ranges from ages 8 to 16. Some girls do not develope until their late teens. Dont' worry about it. You will fall in step when your body is ready. In the mean time, make sure that you are eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of calcium. Exercise daily and study hard (a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.) You'll catch up in no time. There is nothing that can be done to hasten the developement of breast tissue. Gaining wieght (adding fat) is not the same as developing breast tissue.
When I was your age I was flat chested myself. People made fun of me too, especially guys. By the time I was 14 I was a B and now I'm 25 I'm a D, I have the biggest bust out of all my girlfriends. Honestly there is nothing you can do. People even suggested for me to drink milk but I don't know if they were making fun of me or is that really serious. Either way your body will grown when it's ready but believe me there is still hope for you to have bigger boobs than all you girlfriends.
No worries doll. I was the smallest girl in school and the last to sart my period. Now I am just fine. I know it feels like you will never get thorough this weird time. But when you look back at things you will feel silly for thinking that way. Oh by the way I passed them all up! Don't sweat the small stuff, it will all come in time.
First of all dont let people put you down or knock your self confidece. You dont stop growing for many years yet. I was flat chested untill i was 21 even then i didnt gaing much , when your older you can have proper bra fittings to help and belive me ladies with large boobs have lots of problems later in life, try talking things through with your mum, sister, nana or best friend, someone who is prepared to listen...good luck
Don't worry, you're 12, they'll grow soon, but yes one thing i would want to say is you are in a growing age so don't compromise with your eating. Eat well and healthy. Its probably because you're way too slim and don't eat well and healthy. So they'll grow eventually and remember, eat well and you'll have a nice grown up body too.

Hope this helped, good luck!
Ignore the teasing, you are only 12!!!

You could grow into your 20's.

Don't worry about your breast size. Worry about your schoolwork.

Also, guys like "just a handful" and don't like anything fake.
don't even worry about i'm the total opposite when i was your age i was really developed and i got made fun of for having bigger breasts. trust me it'll happen and if not just be glad you are naturally skinny a lot kids your age are overweight already
Honey, don't listen to them ... Being flat chested could be great..ok i am stilll young and i am alomost a c.. all guys do is whistle and grab my butt. ya know you get tired of that after a while. trust me it aint all that great. and you... you can wear anything and still look good. striped polka dots... well i gotta stay away from some and i can't wear some shirts w/ letters or it makes it to where you can't read them... you will grow but for now play it up to your advantage. DONT GAIN WAIT it will catch up with you in the long run. hope this helps...

I'm afraid to tell my dad i got my period and my mom knows already, what should I do?

Since my dad is a guy it is kinda hard to tell him. My mom already konws though.
im sure ur mom will tell ur dad.
Let mom share the news with dad then...
Why even tell him?
He expects this to happen. If the issue is stopping for Tampax or something in his company, just tell him it's that time of month. Trust me, he'll understand.
why do you need to tell your dad he might just think you have already had it for awhile. there really is no need for your dad to know something like that. just dont tell him.
Why bother. If you told mom, dad probably already knows, so don't worry about it.
instead of you having to go face to face with your dad--how about you have your mom let him know that you have started and then he will know why you need things sometimes and why you might have moods sometimes---it is important that he knows but not to be told by you---that's kind of a weird subject to talk to your dad about---hope this helps and good luck!
What's the point of him knowing? What's he going to do punish you?

Come on, he doesn't do
i didn't tell my dad...i just told my mum
Your dad already knows...that's not something keep secret.. You don't ever have to tell him, because men don't really want to know..! :)

Congrats though! Welcome to the hell that is part of being a woman...!
Why should you have to tell him? I am sure your mom has mentioned this to him already. So leave it alone.
Don't bother. If you don't want to tell him then don't. Or you can ask your mother to let him know.
Let u'r mom tell u'r dad mine did
ask him to get u some tampons aint a big deal he dont wanna know
Since your period is a fact of life, I hardly think it is a big secret. The fact that he is your Dad makes it possibly a bit embarrassing, but nothing more. I am of the opinion, that if you have difficulty talking to your Dad about a simple everyday thing like your period, I am worried that when a REAL issue comes up it will be worse. I suggest you find a way to sit with him, and talk about what is going on with your body. The closer you become with your parents, now, the closer you will stay with them. Good luck.

Personally, I don't think you should HAVE to tell him, so don't. Since your mom already knows, tonight when they go to bed, and talk about their days, she will probably mention it. It's no biggy, when I first got mine, I didn't want my dad to know 'cause it's so embarrassing, but my older sister and mom ended up telling him. He'll find out sooner or later. Just let your mom go through the "embarrassment" of telling him. (:
let your mom tell him! its not your job it should be your moms. a period is just one of those things you dont have to tell your dad even more since your mom is there foryou! besides it will make him feel weird anyways!
First off Dear , Congratulations and welcome to the most wonderful thing in life.women-hood. It can be very scary and intimidating at the same time but as time goes on the kinks get worked out. As for Dad if you don't feel comfortable telling your Dad that you have "Bloomed" then let Mom break the news to him. He will probably be a bit sad knowing his little girl is now a women. Keep in mind Sunshine that you will always be Daddy's little girl just all grown up!
Sweetie, that's your choice, but why does Dad need to know? Your Mom is the one who should know, and she already does. Besides, if she is the one who buys "those things", then Dad actually really doesn't need to know... hope i helped...=)
heh. we have the same name =] mom told my dad. it was easier, he never asked me anything so i think you should tell your mom to tell him.
Forgive me for answering this way, but I needed more information to give a more personalized answer.

If you guys are all in the same home, I am sure she has already told him. Parents talk about things like that.
if your parents live seperately, just tell him. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You are growing up %26 he knows that it was going to happen sooner or later...
I didn't bother telling my parents any of my puberty milestones. I figured, they would know what was going on; they were my age once.
I don't see why you need to tell him. Your mother knows, I would bet she has already told him
Why do you need to tell him? Let your mom do that, this is more of a mother daughter bonding experience anyway. Dads don't usually play a roll in this subject unless they are single dads.
Let you mother tell him when they are alone. Be thankful your mother didn't do what mine did. She marched me out into the living room and announced to everyone there that I had started my period. Truly, I was mentally scarred.

Im about to puke what to dooooooo?

run to the potty i guess
Grab the trash can.. %26 go lay down and drink some water or sprite.. also I found that Gatorade is really good to calm your stomach.

Hope you fell better!
Drink some ginger ale or 7 up. It will make your stomach settle a little bit. Try to eat plain crackers or just a plain piece of toast.
hello.whats the question?
Take a Benadryl seriously it works
Drink a can of flat Coke a Cola.. Helps with morning sickness.
Shake up a bottle of Coca Cola/Pepsi and open it over the sink, and keep doing that til it's flat. Then, SLOWLY drink aprox. 2 ounces every 30 minutes. I dont know how it does it, but flat soda helps your stomach enormously! I was terribly sick when visiting a third-world country, and the soda became my best friend!
Drink a BIG glass of milk
ummmm ??
yeah just go to the potty!
Did you vomit? If so, make sure you don't put anything into your stomach for at least three hours. You want to let your stomach settle before you eat or drink anything. After time has passed, you can eat or drink SMALL amounts of crackers or ginger ale (or whatever else is bland). Take care of yourself!

I'm a women janitor why do girls or women leave the toilet not flushed after a taking a **** and men cant find

a way to hit the urinals it is wet on the floor by theam
gross. did you really need to tell us all that sweetie?
Sometimes when I go to the public toilet it does not alway flush properly.Thankyou for cleaning the toilets which is a horrible and probably underpaid job. It cant be the best of all.Also to any other cleaning ladies outhere.Thank you.
i think they do that because well they think "i dont have to clean it up so." sorry for all of it though humans can be really disgusting.. thanks also cause with out janitors the toilets would be even mmoorree discusting..
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