Well after having three pregnancies I've noticed everything around my vaginal area seems out of place. It just feels different down there, like everything is starting to get loose and start to fall south. Also I've developed some vaginal skin tags. I'm thinking of seeing my doctor to get advice. But a different doctor I saw about this after my first pregnancy, just said it was normal and all I could do was kegels exercises and possibly have the skin tags removed. But mostly I just had to deal with the new changes. I'm to the point now that I don't want to deal with it anymore and it's getting worse. A friend suggested that a holistic chiropractor may be able to set my uterus back in place and that it may help. I was wondering what others thought and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions?
After 5 pregnancies I thought I had the Grand Canyon down there!! LOL
I actually have done and still do the Kegel exercises. It is squeezing the vaginal muscles- as if you were holding in a poop. Do them 10 to 15 times at least 3 times a day.
Strengthening your stomach muscles is also very important because they help hold every thing in place- including your pelvic bones. If your pelvis shifts thats one way you get lower back problems.
The skin tags can be removed by your doctor. I have them also %26 removed them myself. Freeze with an ice cube, snip off with clean,sharp nail scissors and put antibiotic ointment over them. Not for the squeamish!
quit ******* so much lol just kidding I have no idea
i think kegals are all you can do...after three kids, can you expect to be as tight as you once were? Just deal with it, and understand what came out of it.your 3 kids
you need to do some tightening excesses and keep doing them it will be fun for you both so start straight away. Keep squeezing
It is the only thing that can fix this problem.
I only had one kid and everything feels different. Not to be gross but my tampons fall out at times! We are trying for another baby and I told hubby that I was going to ask for a couple extra stitches this time...LOL! Never hurts to ask =)
your uterus falls out because of bad posture so id suck it in bebe
I think you should see a doctor and have surgery. Also, don't have any more kids. Use protection (condoms, pills, diaphrams, etc..) And try to do those exercises, i forgot what they're called. You can either use you finger or a tampon to do them.
wow. I'm glad I don't have kids.
I would recommend looking into Vaginal Rejuvenation.
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