my bladder[i think its my bladder] is in so much pain it hurts to walk...i have a bladder infection took my pills on time but idon't no what to do about this pain.Got any ideas?
cranberry juice does not get rid of the infection it prevents it so it is too late for that.
try laying down. can you take ibuprofen with your meds? if so then take some. also try putting a heating pad or a warm washcloth on that area it helps some. if it doesnt feel better in 45min then go to the ER. sorry i couldnt help you any more. i hope you feel better soon.
go to the ER.
Yes, there is an over-the-counter product...I think it is called Urostat. You use it short-term, usually the first couple of days of a urinary tract infection. It relieves the bladder pain, and you will notice it turns your urine orange. Your doctor may be able to prescribe the same thing for you.
And, drink plenty of water...but you know that.
drink cranberry juice it will help get rid of the infection faster. For the pain, motrin will help the best unless you have a prescription for a pain medicine. Also, i use a heating pad it always helps me..goodluck sweetie
There is amedicine called uristat. Take it for the pain! It helps alot!!! Make sure you eat before you take the pills though. First time I took them on an empty stomach and wound up throwing up all this red stuff. I totally freaked out and rushed to the hospital. It will turn you urine a orange/red color, so dont be alarmed.
Go to the doctor if you haven't already. The infection could go to your kidneys, if it hasn't already started. They will prescribe norfloxacin or another antibiotic and a pain killer specifically for UTI's. Don't worry if your urine is orange on this med.
You can get Azo OTC...but it may not be strong enough, so you'll have to ask your doctor for prescription strength Azo. In addition, you need to get another urine test after you finish the antibiotics to make sure that all the bacteria is gone. If it isn't, you'll have to start another antibiotic. If you still have pain, there is a major problem. You need to get back to the doctor for the urine test, and then additional testing like an abdominal CT to check for inflammation.
go to doctors
I have been in major pain to for days, only I have
endometriosis, check it out to make sure you don't have
the symptoms.
Tell that to the drs in the ER. Don't wait because it could be something else.
Don't try to diagnose yourself, see a doctor.
If you have a bladder infection you want to ensure that you clear it up completely.
As others have said, Cranberry Juice can be very useful in clearing up a bladder infection, however, talk to the doctor about this condition.
get a wheelchair or crutches and call in sick to work. maybe take some tylenol or another painkiller if your doctor says it is okay. but you should definately tell ur doctor about the pain cause it could be a side effect or a reaction.
feel better.
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