Answer: It all depends on your physical structure and activity - for example, thin or small frame women will usually start their periods later, and women/girls who are very active will also start their periods later. Some gymnasts (small frame women who are very physically active) do not start their period until they are in their late teens (18, 19) or even their early 20's.
Family history is also a factor. How old was your mother when she started her period? What about your Grandmothers and your Aunts (on both sides of the family)? A family history of women who are "late bloomers" can cause a woman to get her first period later in life.
Vegaterians/vegans are also known to have their periods begin later than average.
While it can be totally normal to get your first period later than average, if you are concerned, you should see a doctor just to be sure that there are no problems..
If you have the factors that could cause a later than average start for a period (small frame, thin, physically active, family history, vegan) then I would bet that there is nothing medically wrong and your period will begin within the next year.
However, if you do not have any of those factors, then you should definately see a doctor to see if there is any medical cause.
It really is not normal, I would go to a doctor and see why?
Don't fool around with this.
Do you have a gyno that you see or a regular family doctor? You are a little old to not have your period yet. I would definitely check with your doctor to find out what is going on. If you are a really active person, that can delay your period. Being under weight can also cause your period to be held off. There could be other things going on as well. Get yourself checked out.
No. Are you very thin? Most girls need to reach a critical body mass before they will menstruate.
I would see a doctor, 90% of girls will start menstruating by their 15th birthday
No It Is Not Normal.
Go to your Doctor, that don't sound right. Check out m website to book travel and earn extra cash
that's not really normal. but how much do you weigh and how tall are you? if you weigh very little for your height then you wouldn't start until later. but go to your GP and get it checked out anyway - you shouldn't be this late starting. %26lt;3
It is time to see a gynecologist. It is not normal at all.
Women who do not have a period by the time they are 16 are said to have primary amenorrhea(( failure to menstruate by the age of 16).
Here are some reasons that may cause Primary Amenorrhea.
Eating disorders
Anorexia nervosa
Certain ovary conditions
Certain uterus conditions
Certain vaginal conditions
Certain hymen conditions
Certain genetic disorders
Certain hormonal disorders
Primary amenorrhea is usually the result of a genetic or anatomic abnormality.
Amenorrhea can be a transient, intermittent, or permanent condition resulting from dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries, uterus, or vagina. Prolonged amenorrhea might be the earliest sign of a decline in general health or signal an underlying condition, such as a pituitary tumor.
You need to see a doctor about this as soon as you can, there is something going on and you need to find out what it is and see if it is treatable..I'm suprised your mother is not worried about this unless she too was a late bloomer, but your very late and this is not normal..
good luck!
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